Redefining & reimagining the future of

We believe that every design should begin with a creative holistic vision.
Vision governs projects and is the driver for success.

When problem-solving or rethinking tired typologies, Dror starts by questioning everything. Once a direction is decided, we build the right team of collaborators to address the challenge, improve experiences and create value.

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for Horm

Mass Pressure

The Mass Pressure armchair is the result of compression as a means of transforming a cubic meter of foam into a functional object. A tubular metal frame provides a desirable sitting position, where the foam is attached providing the chair with an innovative and captivating expression.

Made with three compressed layers inside a painted metal structure, the armchair is available in a single version as a real work of art dedicated to galleries and museums. The project is the result of a complex, totally manual surface treatment to make the foam paintable with oxidized liquid copper and/or concrete effect: a result with a remarkable visual impact that preserves its softness. 

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