Redefining & reimagining the future of

We believe that every design should begin with a creative holistic vision.
Vision governs projects and is the driver for success.

When problem-solving or rethinking tired typologies, Dror starts by questioning everything. Once a direction is decided, we build the right team of collaborators to address the challenge, improve experiences and create value.

Share with us your dreams, challenges and new ventures:

about What Design Can Do

What Design Can Do is an international conference about the global impact of design. The 2011 theme that brought together a great lineup of speakers was Access. Having access or not is an urgent global issue at play at many levels of society. Too many people are still deprived from access to basic necessities of life, others lack the possibilities for a proper education, the right to freedom of speech or access to unbiased information. 

Speakers included: Paula Dib, Lidewij Edelkoort, Julia Lohmann, Aaron Rose, Scott Stowell, Thonik, Michael Wolff, Dror Benshetrit and many others.. 

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